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North & East London Brick Masters Association

Joseph South(2) 1850-1897, the eldest son of Joseph South(1), leased a brickfield in Bury Street, Edmonton, adjacent the brick works of competitors, W D Cornish, W Piggott, T & M Plowman and Smyth & Co. Upon his death in 1897 the brickfield passed to his widow, Sarah, and by 1899 was under the management of his younger brother, Samuel South(1). The South brickworks closed circa 1914.

During his presidential year Samuel South(2) addressed the Wood Green Rotary Club and a newspaper report appeared on 24 December 1937:

"Forty years ago he [Samuel South(2)] was a member of the Brickmakers Association. At that time there were about twenty potteries [sic] around London; now there are about four. Members used to meet to discuss petty problems about men's overtime and other means of saving a few pennies. ' I used to make myself unpopular at these meetings but manged to stop the time wasting by proposing that we put a shilling on every thousand bricks. Better times were in store for the industry and the men after that' "

The following minutes of a meeting of the Association in October 1905 are taken from a scrapbook kept by Samuel(2) (transcription beneath).


North & East London Brick Masters
Upper Edmonton

London 13 Oct/05

At a meeting of the above Association held on 9th Octr/05 the prices for winter work were arranged to be as under:-

Flat Digging:-

5ft over 31/2d per yard (including Soil)

under 5ft 3d        "     "     (        do         )

1/2d per yard less without Soil


putting into barrow 3d per yard

wheeling 11/4d per run of 25 yards

The above prices for digging & wheeling to apply to Uncallowing & to Clay Digging

Callow that is loose (has not been carted over) to be paid for @ 21/2d per yard into barrow

If the Pick has to used 1/2d per yard extra may be paid.

Falling Earth                1/2d   "      "        "


if steerage be less than 6ft rise  in three roads no steerage to be paid but if in that distance there be a rise of 6ft or over then 1/2d per yard extra for steerage on one road may be paid or one road maybe reckoned as 18yards. If there be a rise of more than 4ft in running earth a single run only then the earth which is below the 4ft level may be paid for at the rate of 1/2d per yard


up to 3ft - 2d per yard

beyond 3ft & under 5ft - 21/4 per yard

from 5ft & upwards - 21/2d      "      "

Turning earth which has been flat dug (2ft 6" to be reckoned as 2ft) 21/2 per yard.


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